Updated December 2023
Het Waakvlammetje (2023) is a campaign made at Mutant for VRT’s infamous charity week dubbed ‘De Warmste Week’, in which we turned their iconic logo — the flame — into a metaphor for the love and passion children are born with, and showed how it has to endure a lot throughout the years. Because that’s what this year’s edition is all about, making sure kids can grow up in an environment that keeps their fire burning. The campaign consists of three films, of which I directed the last one.

A collection of campaigns (2023) made at Mutant for the Belgian newspaper De Standaard, among which we redesigned their infamous paywall character, got the entire country to download their new and improved app, promoted critical readership for just 2 euros, and showed that ordinary citizens often have extraordinary ideas for their online community project called ‘Red De Toekomst’.

Is Belgium heading for a life without democracy? (2023) is the main question in this campaign for Knack/LeVif. Ahead of the 2024 elections, the Belgian magazine launched its research regarding the current state of our democracy. With numbers showing that 1 in 3 would rather live under a dictator, we found a way to make the dangers of such a system more tangible: by showing their impact on something we take for granted today … the internet.

There’s more to enjoy in Hasselt (2023) is an unconventional approach to tourism campaigning made at Mutant by turning our backs on the good food, museums, cycling routes, boutiques, and bars — something every city nowadays has to offer — and pointing everyone towards the most attractive dating pool in the country (according to elitedating.be).

Greetings From: an Artificial Holiday (2022) is a series in which we follow an Artificial Intelligence taking a breather from its daily routine through artificial postcards sent from artificial places. A project defined by the absurdity of everyday-life, the current state of the internet and our conscious ability to question everything. It first saw the light of day as part of a solo-exhibition at De Verffabriek (Mariakerke, BE).

Monopoly’s ode to the hotheads (2022) is an award-winning campaign made at KesselsKramer for Hasbro’s most iconic board game that makes use of kids’ frustration and anger during a game of Monopoly to highlight the lessons that can be learned from family game night fights, which according to research, happen 8 out of 10 times. The images are spread across the games’ famous streets in the Netherlands and Belgium to help you remember that wiping the board off the table could actually be a good thing.

A good conversation begins with really seeing someone (2022) is a follow-up to 113 suicide prevention’s 1K Z1E J3 campaign made at KesselsKramer that makes the conversation about mental health more visible in our everyday lives by turning 250 public benches into a suitable place for conversation and showing how to help through a social content series.

NEMO’s latest temporary exhibition ‘Wat een gebouw!’ (EN: Building!) (2022) explores the many ways we can construct buildings and how live in them. So we spent the entire budget on cardboard boxes and asked an architect to design a house with them. The result, which took us two days to build, is a two-floor house that can hold up to three people. And shows that if you know how to make sturdy constructions, you can build whatever you want. Made at KesselsKramer.

We hebben meer GROTE MENSEN nodig (EN: We need more GROWN-UPS) (2022) is a campaign made at KesselsKramer for JOGG, an organisation that aims to make a healthy lifestyle attainable for every child in the Netherlands. And since kids can’t change their unhealthy surroundings themselves, they call out for grown ups to take their responsibility.

Wie dit leest ... kan ook een boek lezen (EN: Whoever reads this ... can also read a book) (2022) is a campaign made at KesselsKramer for the Utrecht Library that gets kids to read more books by using a common childhood phrase to emphasise the fact that they are already halfway there. Because if you can read a street sign, a restaurant menu or a poster, you can also read a book.

Het parallelle brein in de zoektocht naar het quantum middelpunt (2021) is a graduation project in collaboration with Teo Lugonja in which an artificial intelligence goes on a psychological quest to find the exact middle between the art- and advertising world.

Laat Je

Word lid van de Aarde (En: Join Earth) (2020) is a campaign made at KesselsKramer recruiting 50.000 members for Omroep Groen, a Dutch television network committed to the fight for climate change, by making people become a member of the Earth through a series of typographic animations and films.

Moshpit in front of the Mona Lisa (2018) was an ironic facebook event in collaboration with Janice Feryn that went viral, made somewhat of a statement, was the subject of an essay and got cancelled by the director of the Musee du Louvre.